Sunday, May 01, 2011

Prayer request!

Our friend Nelda has been in the hospital for a few weeks she was discharged and is now back in the hospital again. She is pregnant and has a broke leg. She is currently in bed rest and things are not looking good. The amniotic fluid is very low and the doctor is looking at doing a c-section possibly this week. He first wants to see if the baby is at least 1.5kg (about 3.3lb). She is 6 months along. Please pray that if they do go for the c-section the baby would survive. This is Nelda's 5th pregnancy and she has never gone pass 6 month of pregnancy and all her babies has passed away. Pray that the will of God be done in this. Thank you all for praying.


Unknown said...

OH MY Julia!!! Please keep us posted!!! Praying for Nelda!!

Buddy and Julia Bahun said...

Thanks Amy! Will do!